Nature shots from Sky Mountain Lodge

On the same excursion to the Tetons, we stayed at the Sky Mountain Lodge in Victor, Idaho. On an outdoor adventure I captured these up close and personal shots of some beautiful parts of nature. It had just rained so there were so many water droplets on all of the plants so that’s what I focused on.

One of my favorite ways to get a nice bokeh blur is to have a 50mm prime lens. If you don’t have that, don’t worry! You can get a similar effect with your own zoom lens! If you zoom all the way out and get fairly close to the subject there will be enough lens compression to create a blurry background. I love to blur the background when I have a subject that wants to be in the spotlight.

Go out and get close up to find a new perspective. Look for interesting colors and how you can showcase the unique qualities of everything in nature. Check out to see some more tips of what you can do with macro lenses or filters!



