3 Tips for How to Take Pictures of Little Kids

Have Mom (and little siblings) dance behind you – If you’re trying to take a picture of all the little kids together it is almost impossible to get everyone looking towards the camera, especially with a baby, without someone to make noise behind you. Have mom, dad, grandma, etc. stand directly behind you and have them shimmy around and wave their hands up abover your head so their eyes are toward the camera. If you are just taking a solo portrait, have the other little kids try to make their siblings smile. While Miss Maddy was getting her portraits I told Miles to do whatever he could to make her smile. He started dancing and yelling funny things which made Maddy burst out laughing and I got some adorable candid moments rather than forced smiles.

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Capture they’re personalities – Sometimes it’s hard to get pictures of little kids sitting and looking perfect, because how fun is that? Little Miles wanted to play in the dirt and sticks. Instead of pulling him away from all of the messiness I asked him to show me his sticks and play around with it. Although some of the shots were crazy, I was able to get a few golden ones of good smiles while also showcasing his love of sticks which will be a fun memory to look back on. Maddy was walking down the path and wanted to smell all the flowers rather than look at me, so I go a cute little close up of something she loves to do – appreciate the beauty around her.

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Candy is everyone’s best friend – The last tip for how to take pictures of little kids is it’s key to have a little snack pack. You can pull it out and remind them that they get a prize at the end for good smiles and listening. Text the mom before to make sure to get something they’ll like. It also works for a bit of a noise maker with the wrapper crinkles to help capture the attention of little babies.

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Emilee-Wright-Pettingil-Kids-3-Tips-for-How-to-Take-Pictures-of-Little-Kids Emilee-Wright-Pettingil-Kids-3-Tips-for-How-to-Take-Pictures-of-Little-Kids  Emilee-Wright-Pettingil-Kids-3-Tips-for-How-to-Take-Pictures-of-Little-Kids