Ordinary Spot, Extraordinary Shot

OSES is another acronym that stands for Ordinary Spot, Extraordinary Shot. This means that you can take a photograph in any ordinary spot and find a new perspective in order to create an extraordinary shot. So here are a few steps of how to make an ordinary photograph extraordinary:

Go outside and explore! It’s important to walk around and be inspired by what is around you. Try getting really close to objects or looking at it from a different perspective.

Ordinary Spot


Extraordinary Shot


Minimize distractions. I think in order to have an extraordinary shot, it’s important to minimize the distractions that may take away the focus from your photograph. Try to really think about your composition and all the things you are capturing in your frame. If there are distracting elements, you can always work in post-production to darken part of the image or clone stamp elements out of the image.

Ordinary Spot


Extraordinary Shot


At times, it may seem difficult to produce an extraordinary shot, but if you follow these two steps of how to make an ordinary photograph extraordinary I know you will find a new way to look at the world around you. Go out and create something extraordinary! Check out https://www.digitalphotomentor.com/make-the-ordinary-look-extraordinary-photography-challenge/ to participate in a challenge of how to make an ordinary photograph extraordinary.