Landscape, nature, and wildlife images from the Tetons

I was able to go on the most amazing trip with a class of photographers to see some Grand Teton Landscapes during the spring. The lush green forests were so inviting. Although there was a lot of cloud coverage, hiding The Grand, I was able to capture a few beautiful moments.



The nature is breathtaking with beautiful little flowers and trees that surround you. In order to get this shot with a nice bokeh blur, my camera settings were 1/125 shutter speed, f/5.6 ISO 100. I had a zoom lens so I zoomed all the way out in order to have more lens compression to increase the blur.


We also went to Mormon Row which has quite a few beautiful old barns and houses. The following barn and pink house were taken on the same street. I love the beautiful light pink color and how the sunrise warmed the picture. I used a tripod for the two pictures in order to have a slower shutter speed to let in more light since they were taken when the sun wasn’t quite up. Check out to see some more amazing shots of the Mormon Row Barn.



It’s also a fun adventure being able to see wildlife in the park and surrounding areas. We found a whole herd of buffalo making their way into the forrest. It was fun to watch them run and gather together as a family. We also saw a group of birds in a nearby lake. If you haven’t made your way out to The Grand Teton National Park, I would highly recommend it. There is so much to see and appreciate in the world around us.

