Toddler Christmas Pictures and Outfits

Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year! It’s also a great time of year to take group pictures for those fun Christmas cards! It can be stressful to pick the perfect outfits for everyone. In my experience, I like having similar solid colors and one distinct pattern looks rather than having everyone in the exact same pattern or having a random rainbow of colors. During Christmas time it’s definitely fitting to use reds and greens, but it’s fun to find a way to mix it up so you can then use the photos all year rather than it looking like the photos were taken on Santa’s front porch. We found a red solid outfit for cute Scotlynn and two button-up shirts for Boston and Bronson. Boston has a mix of the solid colors used in the other outfits in his plaid shirt. I thought it was a fun touch to have the bow ties also pull in the colors of the other sibling’s outfits to have a cohesive look overall.

Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits

When taking individual pictures, it’s important to start with the youngest first. Toddlers have a shorter attention span so it’s important to get those good smiles with help from big brother and sister making silly faces behind you before they run out of happy energy. To use our time wisely, we took pictures of Bronson first, group pictures of all three siblings, and then individuals of the two older kids.

Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits

Bronson also had a red sweater that we tried on for a few of the group shots to have a more red look overall. It would be too overwhelming with all of the red unless we had the blue/maroon plaid shirt to help mellow the warm tones. It’s also good to mix up the group shots with standing up and sitting down especially when working with a range of ages. Boston is 8 and a lot taller than his toddler brother who is 2 years old. Try sitting them down on a blanket to get them on a more equal plane. That way you can get in closer to their cute faces and highlight their unique characteristics.

Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits Woolley-Family-Emilee-Wright-Toddler-Christmas-Pictures-and-Outfits

Bonus tip! We took these pictures right before sunrise around 6:30 am. Although that seems really early, most kids are early risers and will be happier in the morning than waiting until later on in the day. You could tell them about making something yummy for breakfast or doing a fun activity later to keep them interested. Check out this Pinterest board of other ideas for Toddler Christmas Pictures and Outfits.