iPhone UI Profile Designs

I’ve started the 100 days of UI (user interface) design and I love it so far! It’s a great way to practice various aspects of the UI design experience little by little. I’ve decided to share my process from day 6 when I had the task of creating a user profile. I had so much fun with it that I did 6 UI profile designs in total using pictures that I’ve taken of some close friends. Check out my process video below to watch some trial and error as I was working to make these UI profile designs unique and functional.

One thing to keep in mind is to think about what mockup you want to use for your design before starting. If not, you will probably have to readjust your design and canvas size in order to match up with the mockup size. I decided to go with an iPhone mockup which I linked below for your to find and use for your next UI profile design project! From the 6 profile designs below which one is your favorite?


Emilee-Wright-UI-Profile-Designs  Emilee-Wright-UI-Profile-Designs  Emilee-Wright-UI-Profile-Designs

Emilee-Wright-UI-Profile-Designs  Emilee-Wright-UI-Profile-Designs  Emilee-Wright-UI-Profile-Designs

If you want to get practicing with some UI profile designs sign up today, it’s free!

Here is a link to the iPhone mockup I used above!