Couples come together for a WWII themed fashion shoot

Who doesn’t love a good love story from the war times? Even though war was such a sad and terrible time, it was the relationships that made everything worth it. The courageous soldiers fought to protect their families and homes. This WWII fashion themed photo shoot included men and women in their individual shoots, as well as bringing them together to showcase the many wonderful relationships found in every day life.

I love capturing the fun moments that aren’t completely staged. This first photo was one of my favorites because the male model was having time leaning the women back and looking lovingly into her eyes since they *spoiler* aren’t really a couple. I know, so sad. After a few tries they just started laughing together and this is what I captured of that awkward but fun moment. Look for those opportunities to create interest and hopefully showcase a story to viewers.

It’s also fun to make some of the photos black and white. It brings back the mood of that time period and helps to focus on the main subject of the group portrait rather than be distracted by the various colors. Bring your friends together and create a fun WWII themed fashion shoot to showcase a time in American history. Also, check out to see some more fun ideas to do a WWII fashion shoot!




