Beautiful Yellowstone in the Spring Time

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most beautiful places in nature that I’ve been to in my life. The lush green scenery, majestic mountains, animals of all shapes and sizes, and so much more is what makes this place so magical. I recently went to Yellowstone in the springtime to help out with the annual Yellowstone Photography Symposium. I was working as an intern for Perfect Light Camera & Supply and made a promotional video about the experience if you want to check it out in this post.

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Emilee-Wright-Yellowstone-Beautiful-Yellowstone-in-the-Spring-Time   Emilee-Wright-Yellowstone-Beautiful-Yellowstone-in-the-Spring-Time

While we were out exploring I was able to capture a few fun animals and landscape shots. As you can see there is still a bit of snow on the mountains and the weather was a bit nippy in the early morning but overall the trip was a lot of fun! We were able to see some bison and swans near a serene lake. In the above picture of the tree with what looks to be snow is actually a chemical reaction that happens when the steam (water vapor) from the geyser rapidly freezes when it touches a cold object and forms frost or rime ice.

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Emilee-Wright-Yellowstone-Beautiful-Yellowstone-in-the-Spring-Time   Emilee-Wright-Yellowstone-Beautiful-Yellowstone-in-the-Spring-Time

I also tried a new photography technique where you have your camera set to take multiple shots while holding down the shutter and moving the camera up and down in a horizontal fashion. It works best when you find a dense area of trees. We found an area full of aspen trees and tested out this abstract technique. What do you think? I think it creates an almost dream-like state of the moving forest. Try it out sometime! If you want some more tips for visiting beautiful Yellowstone in the springtime check out this article!

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